We can help you maximise your performance in the Junior Cycle Higher Level Maths exam through our series of guided revision tutorials.

Structure and focus your study as we approach the Junior Cycle exams.

Review the key maths concepts and give you access to recordings of the lessons right up to the day of the exam. Manage your stress and build your maths confidence.

Maximise your performance by giving you hints, tips and exam strategies.

Each tutorial will be recorded and can be accessed by you as often as you wish right up to examination day.

Tutorial available from 8am each morning

Guided Revision Tutorial Timetable

Date Topic Areas covered
26th May 2024 Numbers & Sets Sets, Rational, Irrational, Real Numbers, Commutative & Associative
27th May 2024 Indices Indices, Scientific Notation, Surds
28th May 2024 Functions An exploration of exam questions
29th May 2024 Working with probability An exploration of exam questions
30th May 2024 Trigonometry Sin, Cos, Tan, Pythagoras’s Theorem, Marking Angles
31st May 2024 Perimeter, Area & Volume An exploration of exam questions
1st June 2024 Financial Maths Income Tax, USC, Tax Credits
2nd June 2024 Coordinate Geometry Basic formulae, parallel and perpendicular lines, equations and lines
3rd June 2024 Working with statistics Working with statistics with a focus on exam questions
4th June 2024 Patterns Generating expressions from tables/graphs; working with graphs
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